
Acupuncture is a form of complementary medicine that is beneficial in the treatment of a variety of acute and chronic conditions. Acupuncture involves the insertion of sterile, thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate the circulatory and nervous systems, relieve pain, and promote healing.  This is a form of neuromodulation – a technique that positively impacts the regulatory systems of the body. Dr. Matheny’s acupuncture practice combines traditional acupuncture techniques with an understanding of anatomy and physiology supported by evidence-based medicine.

Each treatment session is tailored to your pet’s individual needs that day, so a different combination of therapies may be used to maximize the therapeutic benefit to your pet. During an acupuncture session, Dr. Matheny will place  needles into specific points on your pet’s body based on your pet’s known condition(s) and how s/he feels that day. The needles are usually left in place for a period of time ranging from a few seconds to 30 minutes. Most animals tolerate acupuncture well, however some animals are more sensitive than others. People who receive acupuncture often describe feelings of tightness or heaviness with needle insertion and some pets may be more tolerant of these sensations than others. If a pet does not tolerate needling, Dr. Matheny will use other techniques like manual therapy, therapeutic exercises, heat, or therapeutic class 4 laser.

Rehabilitation & Therapeutic Exercise

Veterinary rehabilitation (often just referred to as rehab) is a specialized field of veterinary medicine that focuses on restoring and improving physical function and mobility. It involves the use of various therapeutic techniques and targeted exercises to enhance recovery, manage pain, and improve quality of life for animals.  Therapeutic exercises that encourage balance, flexibility, strength, and coordination are commonly used during post-surgical recovery, chronic pain management, obesity, and age-related mobility challenges. 

The goal of rehab is to improve the overall quality of life for pets by reducing pain, inflammation, and stiffness while promoting healing, muscle strength, range of motion, and function. It can be beneficial for animals with a wide range of conditions.

Rehab typically involves a multidisciplinary approach. Dr. Matheny will collaborate with your pets primary care and specialist team if applicable to assess your pet’s condition, create an individualized treatment plan, and monitor progress throughout the rehabilitation process.

Therapeutic Laser

Therapeutic laser or photobiomodulation (sometimes also called “cold laser”) is a non-invasive therapy that uses specific wavelengths of light applied to targeted areas of the body to alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, promote tissue healing by improving local circulation and cellular metabolism.  Class 4 lasers emit higher power levels compared to lower classes of laser, such as Class 1 or Class 3 lasers. The higher power levels allow for deeper tissue penetration and faster treatment times.

During laser therapy, a handheld device is applied directly to the skin or fur over the targeted treatment area. The device emits specific wavelengths of light that penetrate the skin and are absorbed by the cells, where it stimulates various cellular processes. Dr. Matheny will often perform manual therapy, stretches, or massage during the laser treatment to maximize the benefit of the session.

Laser therapy is generally considered to be a very safe treatment with minimal side effects. People who receive laser therapy describe feelings of temporary tingling, warmth, or mild discomfort at the treatment site. A variety of conditions can successfully be treated by laser therapy, including musculoskeletal conditions like arthritis, athletic injuries, or after surgery, neck or back pain, and neurological conditions including paralysis. It is often used as a complementary therapy alongside other treatments. Some conditions like certain cancers should not be treated with laser therapy – Dr. Matheny will discuss your pet’s individual medical recommendations with you and help determine is laser therapy is the right choice for your pet.

Manual Therapy

Veterinary manual therapy is a branch of rehabilitative medicine that involves hands-on techniques like massage, stretching, and joint mobilization to improve mobility, function, and to reduce pain. Manual therapy is commonly used in conjunction with other modalities to treat a variety of condition, like musculoskeletal and neurological disorders, and to improve overall wellbeing in geriatric patients. Evaluation of your pet’s posture, movement, and overall musculoskeletal health will be used to identify areas of dysfunction or pain. Each session may be slightly different to address the needs of your pet. Manual therapy is often incorporated into acupuncture and laser treatments to leverage the benefit of each modality for maximum benefit to your pet.Manual therapy can be beneficial for a wide range of conditions, including musculoskeletal issues, such as arthritis, post-surgical recovery, rehabilitation after an injury, neurological conditions, age-related mobility issues, and general relaxation and stress reduction.

The specific techniques used depend on your pet’s condition, size, species, and individual needs.

 If you believe you pet may benefit from veterinary manual therapy, send us a message. Dr. Matheny can assess your pet’s condition and determine if manual therapy is an appropriate treatment option.

If you have a specific question or would like more information about a particular aspect of any of the services listed above, feel free to ask!

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